Monday, February 10, 2025
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Turtle Conservation Center (TCC)

TurtleIn 1998, Fauna and Flora International (FFI) established the Turtle Conservation Center (TCC) as part of a larger conservation initiative focused on Cuc Phuong National Park. In 2001, management of the project was transferred to the national park. Today, the TCC remains the flagship for efforts to protect tortoise and freshwater turtles in Vietnam.

Training wildlife protection officers.
The TCC facilities are routinely used for training wildlife protection officers from throughout the country in turtle identification. Since 1999, training courses have carried out for ranger from more than 10 national park and 30 provinces, as well as for police, customs officers, and authorities from other countries.

Rescuing ad holding for confiscated turtles.
The TCC play an important role in providing technical advice to wildlife production authorities all over the country when turtle are confiscated. The TCC also often receives turtles from trade seizures. All the turtles at the TCC gave either been confiscated from illegal turtle trade or were born here at the center. The program currently houses over 1100 individuals of 19 turtle species native to Vietnam, of which there are 3 found in Cuc Phuong.

Awareness and education.
Increasing public awareness of the head to protect wildlife is a fundamental first step to protecting tortoises and freshwater turtle in Vietnam. Awareness efforts have targeted both visitors and local communities bordering the park. The TCC also reaches national audiences through visits by journalists and television screws, as well as by producing and distributing illustrates books, posters, films, and other educational resources to support turtle conservation efforts.

Conservation breeding program.
The TCC has developed a conservation breeding program for some of the most endangered species at the center. The park hopes to establish a captive assurance population at the center that will ensure that these species do not become extinct, and provide a source from which future generation of turtle can be release into the wild. To date, more than 900 turtles have been born at the center from adults confiscated from illegal trade.

Building interest and expertise.
The TCC has always focused on developing interest and expertise in the next generation of young scientists and conservationists, hosting visit to the center by university students, carrying out special presentations and guest lectures at universities, and providing opportunities for students and young professionals to gain knowledge and expertise working on project. Each year, the TCC host a turtle conservation and field skill training course for young biologists and university students.

The TCC supervises a field research project focused on the home range and ecology of Cuc Phuong’s native keeled box turtle (Cuora mouhotii). Data are also being collected on aspects of breeding, nesting ecology, incubation of eggs, and growth of the turtles maintained at the center.

Download list of current conserving turtle species.

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